The Great Gatsby
Schauspiel nach dem Roman von F. Scott Fitzgerald
20.02.2025 | 19.00 Uhr | Stadttheater Fürth | Großes Haus
Nick Carraway, a young man from Minnesota, moves to New York in the summer of 1922 and befriends the mysterious Jay Gatsby, who lives in a gigantic mansion and throws extravagant parties. Nick is drawn into a world of new money, decadence and deceit. He discovers that Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan, his rich cousin who is already married but who, when she meets Gatsby again, decides to leave her husband. Tragedy is inevitable...
Published in 1925, four years before the catastrophic collapse of the American stock markets, Fitzgerald's novel vividly depicts a society destroyed by greed and deceit. The obvious contemporary relevance is made clear in this exciting new stage adaptation by Leo Benedict. With atmospheric live jazz music from the 1920s, this production brings the glamor and decadence of the era back to life. The captivating play is driven to its dramatic climax by five actors in a fast-paced and visually impressive performance.
TNT Theatre Britain/The American Drama Group Europe
Fassung: Leo Benedict
Inszenierung: Paul Stebbings
In englischer Sprache